


Mixed media on canvas     

My visual language resembling the light marks a pivotal shift from capturing broad landscapes to embracing a closer, more intimate view of nature with its intricate details with painting Changing. This evolution in my work coincided with a personal journey through the COVID-19 pandemic. Amidst this chaos of challenging times with Changing, I started to create my sanctuary, a form of meditation and prayer, guiding me toward inner peace. Rather than centering on the vastness, the deliberate choice to zoom in signifies a need for a deeper, more profound connection with nature, like a child who instinctively buries their face in their mother's embrace, seeking refuge and recovery in the warmth and safety of her presence.

The leaves in various shapes and bright hues are scattered on the canvas, creating a prism in a colorful kaleidoscopic mosaic of beautiful illumination. Dark and wavy lines of tree brunches create high-value and translucency-opaque contrasts, just like stained glass in cathedrals. This contrasting relationship makes the painting glow and come alive, like in nature.           


"The Bars"


"Golden Grey"