


Mixed media on canvas     

Using a nontraditional substrate in its organic form is a testament to breaking my artistic boundaries and insecurities, both literally and metaphorically, and embracing the freedom of creative expression. I am modestly tapping into immersions by attempting to take up more space on the wall and within the viewer's perception. The painting depicts foliage elements in an abstract expressionistic style, with loose and energetic brushwork that suggests the force of destruction and growth, like a Phoenix. 

The vibrant color palette of reds, oranges, and yellows intensifies the glow of the light filtering through the leaves. This radiant glowing light is the heart of my work, symbolizing the vital core of my artistic impulse and desire to create. It emanates from the center of the composition, casting shadows and creating a strong value contrast that draws the eye inward. The neutral and grey tones serve as a void or negative space to bring forward what is essential, like a sculptor chiseling away the excess material to unveil the deliberate forms within. The fluid, non-linear edges complement the vibrant, fiery hues, and the canvas becomes an extension of the artwork's internal energy and vitality.           


"From the Shadow"

