I See Fire



Mixed media on canvas  

I See Fire, is an emotional response to destroying an old one and giving the space for a new one. The vibrant color palette of warm reds, oranges, and yellows radiates with light from the center of the canvas, suggesting autumn, the finale of one's cycle that promises a new beginning. The intensity of the hues resembles the heat essence of fire that consumes everything: good and bad. Thick and rough textures in dark greys and blacks creep from the bottom of the composition like ashes and charred remains, devouring and destroying the old to give space for new growth. The rugged textures enhance the visual depth and metaphorically highlight the harsh realities of such transformations. The vivid colors brought forward by surrounded neutral hues suggest vitality amid adversity and the resilience of life. The visual dramatism of I See Fire in color, texture, and value creates a visceral impact and compels the profound power of transformation through life, death, and rebirth. This process mirrors not only what happens in nature but also in the human experience to endure and emerge anew from the ashes of adversities.              


The Essence


"Golden Splash"